
Trees and Construction 15 items

Roads provide needed access to small woodlots; however, high costs, land disturbance, degradation of water quality, and destruction of fish habitat can all ...
Tree-literacy is critical to living with and among trees in our built-up environments.
Assessing new mechanical injuries present in a tree using visual, non-invasive observations is difficult and prone to wild variability, inaccuracy, and ...
This is an interactive desk reference section of the North Carolina Forest Extension.
A key component in assessing development impacts on trees is the systematic evaluation of damage. Many types of damage occur repeatedly over a site, and from ...
Construction Tolerance and Comments Regarding Trees Commonly Found in Ohio
Mature trees provide many benefits to development sites. They enhance the aesthetic character of the area, give scale to the new buildings, provide shade, give ...
Working around existing trees or under their canopies can be harmful to the trees. If you are planning to do work under the tree canopy or dripline of the tree ...
The decision to protect and preserve trees on a construction site is an important one. Many sites are chosen for residential or business use simply because the ...
This publication explains some things that landowners can do to minimize the impact of construction on trees. It describes landscape protection plans, special ...
Each tree species, and each unique individual, will respond to the stress and strain of construction activities in different ways. Some species vary widely in ...
The American public generally has a love affair with trees. One manifestation of that love affair is the willingness of homeowners to pay 10 to 30 percent more ...
There is an attraction between trees and children. A tree's constant motion even in the stillest air, and its great size and reach make a tree fascinating. At ...
Trees can be damaged or killed by a wide variety of construction activities. It's not always easy to save trees, but your efforts will help. This document ...
The top of the tree is easy to see, thus any problems there are quickly noted. But did you know that much of the tree decline you see above ground is due to ...
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